Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Cravings Fine Food & Catering

Four awesome dinners behind me, and a couple of awesome nights ahead of me; I opted to stay in last night and order take out.  Excuse me, GOURMET take out; from Cravings. (Pick up only)
They are featuring a dinner for 2 for $25.  Each person can choose from 2 appetizers and 2 desserts but both must share the entrée.  This made for any easy decision as I was ordering for me and myself: )
What a great little spot; a few quaint tables to sit and enjoy a gourmet lunch or an early dinner.  Their spotless glass display case is loaded with salads, flatbreads, vegetables, stuffed chicken breasts, and a variety of meats.  The presentation of these displayed items is over the top! 
The kitchen is huge as they clearly specialize in catering. I actually used them to cater for the BA5 Chamber of Commerce meeting we held at our college (CTS Canadian Career College) this month and let’s just say there wasn’t a stitch of food left for me to take home.
As I excitedly unpacked my items I came across the first dessert: A Chocolate & Milk Carmel pudding w/salted pretzel Toffee Crunch….hello come to moma!  It is more like a bread pudding.  I warmed it lightly and immediately devoured it!!  Doesn’t sweets kick start the metabolism??? ;) The second dessert was an Apple Coffee Cake w/a crumble topping and brown sugar glaze; I had that with my bedtime tea.
Hmmm, what compliments a Chocolate and Carmel pudding?, the Potato Leek Soup or the Mediterranean Lentil Soup?   I took a mouthful of each and decided to save these items for today’s lunch.
So I jumped right into my Green Coconut Chicken Curry with winter root vegetables served with jasmine rice. The menu doesn’t tell you but it definitely has a bite. It’s on the spicy side; I love spicy food; but for those who don’t this may upset your choice.  Thick and pasty and delicious; I ate ¾ of it.
This is a great deal!! Two people can definitely be satisfied after eating this.  Abundant/heavier  eaters may want an order for themselves if the entrée portion is more your thing. 
If your inner chef wants a night off and you don’t mind driving to pick up; I highly suggest spoiling yourself to Cravings.
Eating with no guilt!

Bridgit : )

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