Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Town & Country Steakhouse

New to this years Barrielicious festival restaurant choices, is the historical Town & Country Steakhouse.  I choose the word historical as they have been in business for over 30 years and by the look of their building I'd say more like 130 years. From the outside the building looks abandoned should be torn down.

Wheres their pride, passion and respect??

  Inside their doors!!!

 When I moved to Barrie twenty years ago I ate at this restaurant once a week.  Again due to the growth in Barrie's dining options I transitioned to other establishments.  I haven't visit Town & Country in twelve years.

I must say; it's still quaint, there's still pride and a lot of passion.

I can't believe I forgot about their amazing Greek salad dressing!  A smooth garlic feta dressing  smoothing a bowl of fresh iceberg lettuce. This is addictive and a day later I am still craving this dressing.

I finished the salad in 2.5 secs and excitedly awaited my Lobster.  Seriously, Lobster on  a Barrielicious menu.  Bravo!!! Succulent Succulent and Succulent. I only ate my baked potato because it held the remainder of my garlic butter.  Seriously! OMG!  I love garlic and butter and wine.

I am sooooo afraid to stand on a scale.

I was so full by this point that I decided to take my 1000 layer (Napoleon) Puff Pastry to go which I will savor  with my morning espresso.

Without a doubt the best restaurant for seafood.  Thank you for reminding me how great you are.


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