Saturday, 21 January 2012

Era 67

Ok Era 67, you had me at “Delivery”!  Our party of 8 was picked up from the cozy home front of our Orillia friends and delivered on time for our 7 o’clock reservation with a return ticket in hand!  Can you say, “Pass me another bottle of vino please?”  Aside from providing common sense customer server and due diligence we were greeted with the smiles and warmth of tastefully dressed staff and the pleasantries of the acoustic guitar.  I needed a moment as the smell of meat confit and garlic began to hit me in waves when dancing visions of Cabernet began in my head.
We were escorted through what I would describe as the coziest dining room as there wasn’t an awkward table in site; to our private room with our own window view of the kitchen .How lucky am I?;  Dinner and a Show.  I have always felt a level of anxiety for kitchens that remain in open view of their guest as it takes an extremely disciplined individual to avoid habitual personal routines; if you know what I’m saying ;)
Professional and aware the kitchen remained; and I couldn’t wait to select my 3 course meal.
This is more difficult for me than you can imagine and luckily my guests enjoy by inability to make a decision as they enjoy the cocktail hour.  The worst part is I took a sneak peak at their menu 2 days prior and I still was struggling with indecision.
To start I was torn between the Poppyseed Clementine and Baby Bocconcini Spinach Salad vs the Trio of Hush Puppy Lollipop Fondue.  I was quickly reminded of my accident prone abilities and opted to avoid the communal pot and spirit lamp; which by the way doesn’t come with the Fondue.  Better to be safe than sorry I always say.
The salad was fresh and tangy; but I was not overly impressed that it had a side of deep-fried battered cheese; I felt an un -battered sharp cheese would have complimented the salad brilliantly.  Perhaps the tempura cheese stick wasn’t meant to compliment but rather used to finish the dish with swooping motions of gratitude to ensure every ounce of their homemade dressing wasn’t left untouched.  Smart!

In between meals I was reminded of my OCD tendencies as I kept trying to grab the crooked spoon illustrated on our placemats. It got me 3 times. I wasn’t alone on that one and I’d like to officially say that 2 out of 8 people struggle with this issue.

I choose the Roasted Red Pepper and Green Peppercorn Steak (no surcharge added) for my entrée; which was cooked perfect and presented beautifully as was the other four options I politely had a side of.  I am grateful for my friends.
Final touches; will it be the cheesecake or the butter tart? Hands down the cheesecake!  I did manage to shovel in some butter tart which oddly enough had smarties on it???  Different; but I’ll revert back to the old saying, “If it’s not broken don’t fix it”.
What’s left to say; Shannon our server was awesome, the owner popped in to say hi and express his gratitude and we had a ball. 
A spot that both looks good and tastes good. 

Thank you Era 67 for a great evening!


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